It’s All About the Kids!

It’s All About the Kids!

Last Friday, Children’s Friend hosted over 150 corporate partners, supporters, and friends on a beautiful afternoon at our 19th Annual Investing in Our Children Luncheon. This year was unique – we held the event at our very own Friendship Center. With little voices of laughter lofting through the air from the playground and a surprise…

Take Action and Make a Difference!

Take Action and Make a Difference!

COVID has brought significant challenges to us, our communities, and the families we serve.  Now, Rhode Island is facing a staffing crisis in childcare, DCYF programs, Early Intervention, and more.  This crisis impacts not only our own ability to serve families – but it also jeopardizes families’ access to these vital services in Rhode Island. …

Children’s Friend is PBN’s  “Most Innovative Nonprofit in Rhode Island”!  What does innovation mean, anyway?

Children’s Friend is PBN’s “Most Innovative Nonprofit in Rhode Island”! What does innovation mean, anyway?

What does Children’s Friend have to do with a construction management company and a machinery distributor?  Well, we have all been recognized as leaders in innovation in Rhode Island!  This August, Children’s Friend was recognized by Providence Business News as a 2021 Most Innovative Company in the nonprofit category. We are grateful to get to…

Reflection on Purpose

Reflection on Purpose

As we take stock of all that September brings; the new academic year, the changing of seasons, the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month, we must reflect deeply on our role and purpose in our community. At Children’s Friend, we are a diverse group of neighbors, allies, and community members who together serve Rhode Island’s most…

Providence Community Library

Providence Community Library

As we start another hectic week, take some time to explore and attend the Providence Community Library books and arts festival.  Week-long events include theater, dance, readings, and conversation for the whole community. Some events are in-person while some are offered via Zoom.  Click here to visit the Providence Community Library. Pedro, a recent Children’s…

Centralized Intake- It’s all about the client experience.

Centralized Intake- It’s all about the client experience.

In 2020, The Children’s Friend Volunteer Army was tasked with researching and making recommendations for the design of a centralized intake process and structure at Children’s Friend. As part of our Agency Vision, we seek to ensure that Children’s Friend is the go-to for children’s services in the urban core: well-known, well-respected, and easy-to-access.  This…

Back to School

Back to School

We, at Children’s Friend, look forward to the start of the new school year with excitement, concern, and anticipation. As usual, we will be operating a combination of Child Care, Early Head Start, Head Start, and Pre-K classrooms. New this year, and in partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Education, we are blending and…