Supporting in a Different Way

There is a lot to worry about at this moment. When staff learned that their jobs would be transitioning to working from home last week, the resounding buzz from our 15 locations was, ‘How are we going to continue serving our families with the same level of service?’ It turns out, there was no need to worry….

We’re All In This Together

  These are undoubtedly unsettling times for everyone, and more so for families living in poverty. They are the first to be affected by unexpected emergencies. In these troubling times, it is crucial to think not only about our own families but also about our greater community. How will everyone get by during the Coronavirus…

Happy Anniversary Early Head Start

The office of  Head Start is celebrating 25 years of providing evidenced-based family-centered services to pregnant women, infants, and toddlers.  Since 1995 the Early Head Start (EHS) program has improved child and family outcomes for families living in poverty through its array of comprehensive services. The concept of Early Head Start emerged in the early…