Domestic violence has been called an epidemic, but now with COVID-19 and its associated stressors, we have seen an even greater increase in incidents. We know that that exposure to domestic violence can negatively impact children’s social and emotional health and can lead to a wide range of difficulties. At Children’s Friend, we serve high risk families and families who have been impacted by domestic violence and that requires us to be intentional as to how we intervene.
We strive to integrate domestic violence assessment and identification into all of our programs, as we connect families experiencing or at risk of experiencing domestic violence, into high quality and evidence based programs. Our staff educate parents about how their exposure to domestic violence can negatively impact their developing child and we engage mothers and fathers in strategies to create healthy relationships and build protective capacities. We will continue to keep ourselves informed regarding national research and remain committed to results-oriented best practice.
Stay safe and well.
Dana Mullen, Chief of Programs