Amala’s Story
Amala’s family arrived in Rhode Island just a few months ago. They had been forced to leave their home in Sudan and seek refuge in the United States. Amala is the baby of the family, at four years old. When she arrived, she spoke only Arabic and a local Sundanese dialect. Through our partnership with Dorcas International, Children’s Friend learned about Amala and the incredible barriers she would need to overcome to have a chance at success in kindergarten. Children’s Friend was able to provide critical early education to Amala in our summer learning and enrichment program thanks to the support of donors like you. Amala is making friends and learning to speak English now. She’s getting familiar with an American classroom environment. Most of all, Amala loves going on field trips with her teachers and her new friends. She and her family are excited for her to start kindergarten.
Your support helps Children’s Friend provide Summer Learning opportunities for children like Amala.
Summer Learning & Enrichment
Summer, a season of fun for many, can be a time of struggle for some children and families. Children from low-income families are at the greatest risk: a lack of resources can lead to kids spending their days in hot apartments with little to do and inadequate meals and supervision. These are the immediate challenges, and the long-term consequences are more severe. Children who lack access to high-quality learning and enrichment programs through the summer often experience a decline in skills and knowledge, which sets them back compared to their peers.
Summer learning programs at Children’s Friend are designed to build foundational skills so our kids can arrive in kindergarten with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.
We provide a safe educational environment chock-full of experiential enrichment, like trips to the zoo, the beach, and local parks. Our teachers are degreed experts in early education, and students receive nutritious meals and snacks while they engage in classroom activities that bolster their social-emotional development.